How to Conduct a Board Self-Assessment

Board Self-Assessment is among the fundamental leadership practices high-performing nonprofit boards practice to ensure the long-term success of their governance. It requires the board to step back from day-to-day business and candidly evaluate its effectiveness. This allows the board to proactively address areas that might otherwise become major sources of discontent and tension.

There are many try this article about safeguarding business a virtual data rooms security mastery ways to conduct a self-assessment for your board from surveys and interviews to facilitation-based discussions. The best approach will depend on the size of your board, the resources available and the depth you’d like to include in the assessment.

When you choose the method ensure that you define the objectives of the assessment. For instance, do you intend to improve governance, match the goals of the organization to governance, or improve accountability? Once you’ve determined this, you are able to select an evaluation tool.

Some tools allow you to compare your results with other health facilities and hospitals while others focus on the governance practices of your company. Whatever you decide to use it is essential that the tools are impartial and do not call out individual directors. This creates an environment where honest feedback can be provided.

A lot of boards also have the peer review process, which requires board members to assess their colleagues as directors. This can be an effective and productive activity, but it’s important that the process remains confidential. It can be difficult for some directors to critique the other director, if they are worried that they’ll be accused of it back at them. In this scenario it’s best to have the facilitator go through all the responses and determine what ideas are important to communicate to the board.

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