Mentor: How Mentorship Helps in Recovery

With a sober mentor, this can be accomplished without losing hope or falling out of established sober habits. Complete honesty and transparency about addiction experiences help in commitment to sobriety. It usually helps the person acknowledge responsibility to make better decisions regarding substance abuse. Honesty through accountability also helps the individual understand patterns of thinking and behaving that could cause relapse.

Relationship of Trust

At The Guest House, we understand that everyone needs different things during their recovery journey. For some people, having a sober mentor during recovery does not sound that essential. However, having a sober mentor is like having a friend who supports you all of the time.

Focus on Fitness and Health

  • Instead of expecting new residents to assimilate all this information right away, they are generally assigned a mentor.
  • Recovery from addiction is a complex and challenging journey, and having the right support system can make all the difference.
  • This is especially true for those in addiction recovery who are facing one of the most challenging things they will ever go through.
  • Any caring individual, that has time and feels they have something to offer, should join a program for teens or those in sobriety.
  • In moments of crisis or vulnerability, you can reach out to your mentor for immediate assistance and guidance no matter the time of day.

From the moment they leave treatment until they’re working independently with a sponsor in A.A., we provide the support necessary to achieve long-term sobriety. Join our newsletter to be part of a community of people Top 5 Advantages of Staying in a Sober Living House with shared experiences. This is a great asset to those struggling with their own personal battles. Our quarterly newsletter reminds you that others have gone down this path and can provide valuable support.

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sober mentoring

But a mentor will always support the individual, and help them repair and rebuild trust in themselves and other people. Consequently, a sober mentor becomes a person that can be relied upon. Mentorship programs provide accountability for people going through recovery.

sober mentoring

Sober mentoring is more than a sponsorship program, and it differs from many other programs. Mentorship programs provide accountability for individuals going through substance use recovery. People going through recovery can check in with a mentor at specific times of the week and show accountability for their actions. Research also shows that accountability can be helpful in addiction recovery. Participants who had sponsors and engaged in 12-step programs were more successful at staying abstinent than those who started a sobriety journey without outside support [1].

This can make them relatable and a source of inspiration for someone battling addiction. Contact us or continue reading to learn about rehabilitation coaching and how Transcend can assist you. If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, visit to learn more about treatment and sobriety.

How to find or become a mentor in addiction

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